Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Avoid Debt: Credit Agreements

The "Living on credit" motto now appears to be quite frequently encountered in the some households. However, the use of credit also carries certain risks. You will always have difficulties if you spend more than you earn. You should calculate your revenue and expenditure before taking a loan. Take advantage of the many consumer advice opportunities available today in order to manage the money in your household properly. Do you have trouble with your bank? You can get help with this, too. Is your income very low? Then look into the potential claims you can file in an attempt to obtain state benefits such as housing benefits, supplemental benefits, child benefit supplements, etc.

Credit agreements


The Civil Code contains special provisions for consumer loans to protect consumers from usury better and to strengthen their rights. These regulations shall apply to financial assistance of any kind between a business as a lender and a consumer as a borrower. The only exceptions are loans and hire purchase transactions that amount less than 200 EUR and payment deferrals of up to three months. The main provisions are summarized below:

The loan agreement:


image of debt.
must be in writing,

must meet certain minimum information such as the net loan amount, interest rate and all other costs included and the manner of repayment of the loan,

must specify the annual percentage rate, which can be compared to different loan offers,

is void if the written form is not filled in or lacks any required information.
An agreement enters into vigor when a loan is taken. In that case, consumers can revoke their agreement within two weeks but only in certain conditions.

Exception: Real estate loan agreements may not give the consumer the right to cancellation and may also determine them to make a payment within two weeks. Such an agreement is invalid if you signed the loan agreement in a so-called doorstep, like your private home or workplace.

Real estate loan agreements are accompanied by a purchase agreement if the loan was taken to purchase a property and the lender is also the seller or if the lender and the seller work together so closely that both agreements represent an economically unified business. In such a case, your right of cancellation applies to both agreements, so beware.

The loan repayment:


will be expensive for the borrowers if they come in arrears with the installments because they have to pay additional interest. Consult a debt relief guide if you find yourself in a tight situation.

The lender may accept part payments (the first part amounts to the cost of collection and then to the debt and only then the interest is deducted from the payments). 

The loan termination by the lender is only possible if:
borrowers with two consecutive payments are wholly or partly in arrears;

these residues account for at least 10% of the total credit (with maturities of at least 5%) over three years and
the defaulting borrowers previously set a payment deadline of two weeks and were threatened with termination in case of non-payment.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Symptoms in diabetes mellitus

Main symptoms are increased thirst, increased urination, fatigue and weight loss.
In type 1 diabetes, the symptoms are due to absolute insulin deficiency and is usually very acute and dramatic. In type 2 diabetes, however, no symptoms for years can be observed.
picture of diabetes.
Characteristic symptoms include:


Increased urination

Unexplained weight loss

Fatigue and general decrease in performance

Prone to infection,

Poorly healing wounds

Leg cramps

Visual disturbances

Itching and Acetone breath

Diabetes type 1 can cause weight loss, malaise, tormenting thirst, frequent urination, faster and deeper breathing, changes in acid-base balance, the development of a diabetic coma with loss of consciousness without prompt treatment within weeks.

The onset of type 2 diabetes usually progresses slowly and, initially, may be completely free of symptoms. Other symptoms such as increased thirst, malaise, increased susceptibility to infection, itching, fatigue and dizziness are often misinterpreted. Nevertheless, already consequential damages to the heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves have been formed at this time. In particular, the monitoring of the well being of patients is vital after this.

Gestational diabetes generally causes no symptoms and can therefore be easily overlooked. Nevertheless, it must be treated because it can lead to pregnancy complications.

Ophthalmic controls

Fundus photography as, screening method,  is well suited. It is an exclusive photograph of the retina but does not provide reliable assessment of the peripheral retina sections.
An examination of the eyes should be done once a year to determine if there is no retinopathy. This is made by an ophthalmologist.

Exceptions are:
1. Children before 11 Age should be examined only after a diabetes duration of five years.

2. Pregnant women should then be immediately examined upon detection of pregnancy. If it is discovered during pregnancy, the ophthalmologist will decide on the intervals.

3. Diabetes type 2 affected people should be examined immediately upon detection of the disease.

4. Before and after scheduled treatments, all patients must be examined quickly by an ophthalmologist.
This complete eye examination includes the first review of visual acuity. After the enlargement of the pupil with drops the lens and the vitreous and retina are examined (ophthalmoscopy). In certain indications, such as in certain diseases of the retina (retinopathy) and the point of sharpest vision (diabetic maculopathy), the injection of fluorescent solutions in the vessels of the retina (fluorescein angiography) for the investigation may be necessary.

If a diabetic eye disease is diagnosed, you have to review and strengthen the treatment of diabetic kidney disease, hypertension, the increased blood sugar and dyslipidemia.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Choose the Right Roulette System

The Labouchere roulette system 


Labouchere is a roulette system that is believed to have been created in France sometime during the 1600s or the 1700s. The basic idea of this system is to compensate for the losses by investing a substantial amount of money after each loss.

picture of roulette.
This roulette system is designed to focus on even money bets, such as black or red. As a player, you start by deciding how much you want to win. For example, if you want to win 1,000 USD, you divide your bets in a series of bets summing up 1,000 USD.
Let's say you want to divide your bets in a series of ten bets. You can divide the money anyway as long as the total is 1,000 dollars. Here is an example: 50, 150, 100, 50, 50, 200, 100, 50, 100 and 150.

Take the numbers far to the left and far to the right, put them together and bet that amount. Therefore, your first bet for the example above is 50 USD + 150 USD = 200 USD.

If you win, delete the two outer numbers from your list. The next bet will be 150 USD + 100 USD = 250 USD. If you win, delete the external number and move on. If you lose, write down the total of 250 USD at the end of the line and delete the number far to the left. Thus, 250 USD becomes your new number for the outer right edge and the next bet is 100 USD + 250 USD = 350 USD.

Does the Labouchere system work?

The Labouchere system can be very costly and there is no guarantee that you will end the evening on plus.

Reverse Labouchere

In this case, you must decide how much you are willing to risk. This system is more aggressive than the traditional Labouchere system. Place the sum at the end of the line every time you win. If you lose, you delete the external numbers just as in the ordinary system.

The Fibonacci roulette system

The Fibonacci betting system is based on the so-called Fibonacci sequence: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-233-275, etc. The sequence was introduced in Europe in the 1100s or 1200s by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa) and is a Hindu-Arabic number system.

The Fibonacci system is suitable for even money bets (red or black). The numbers represent betting units (e.g. 100 USD) and each time you lose, you bet on the next number in the sequence. However, if you win, you go back two steps. When you come to the end of the series, you start all over again from the left.
Does the Fibonacci system work?

This system is basically a less aggressive variant of the Martingale system and has the same problems. You can lose a lot of money and there is no guarantee that you end the evening on plus.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Calculate the Poker Odds

The calculation of the odds is not complicated


Some players often advise you to act on your side when you have to make the decision to follow or move. What is the right decision? How do you decide? And how to act accordingly?
What is the calculation method?
image of poker.
Mathematics plays an important role in Texas Hold'em poker. Actually, it is more about arithmetic rather than about mathematics in general.

The concept of curve is purely financial. It helps to you make the most profitable decisions in the long term at any time but there is no guarantee that the decision you make will have the expected result. However, it may be a good decision or a bad one.

The curve gives you the percentage of chances of hitting a winning hand after the flop and the turn.

Here is an explanation of how to calculate the poker odds. This calculation method is simplified, but the error margin is only 1%, so you can pretty much determine whether you will get a certain outcome or not.

Calculating the poker odds


There is a simple, fast and efficient way to determine the chances that your hand is better than your opponent’s. Odds are required for all poker tournaments strategies. This percentage is determined by calculating the number of cards that will improve your hand in advance.

The calculation of the "outs"


The "outs" (which can be translated as "outcomes") are the cards that can determine a win (at least it is assumed that you will definitely win if you focus on your opponent's gameplay). Also, if you find that your opponent has A-K and you have 7-8 on a flop of A-8-2, then you must get a 7 or an 8 on the turn and/or river.

So there are three 7s and two 8s in the deck of cards, which means that there are 5 cards that can save you, so exactly 5 cards in the deck that can get you to win over your opponent. Therefore, you have five outs to earn this shot on the turn or the river. You see that you can determine the "outs" by taking into account all the cards that can improve your hand enough to save you from your opponent (or opponents).

The calculation of the odds through the "outs"


You can only determine the curve once you know the exact number of your "outs". Once you know this curve, it is really easy to know the chances of winning the game.

Thus simply stick to the small calculations: 


How to calculate the flop curve when the turn and river are to come: Multiply your "outs" by 4 and add 2 to that result. You also need to konw the power hand rankings. If you take the example with 5 "outs", you have 5 x 4 + 2 = 22% chance of improving your hand and beating your opponent.

How to calculate the flop curve when only the river is to come: Multiply your "outs" by 2 and add 2 to that result. If you take the example with 5 "outs" on the river, you have 5 X 2 + 2 = 12% chances of improving your hand and beating your opponent.

So, you can determine the likelihood that you beat your opponent's hand. It will save you from paying too much or overestimating your hand.