Your attitude toward money is essential in whether you have enough money or not. The will "to get rich" is in contradiction with many other desires and necessities of life. Those who have a certain minimum level of talent and want nothing more in life than to be rich will probably fulfill their dream because there are plenty of opportunities to earn much money.
When do your eyes shine with joy?
We humans are not equal. Some people have sparkles in their eyes when they see a couple of bills. Other eyes sparkle at the sight of piano notes, snow-capped mountains, blooming roses, while others sparkle at the sight of the partner and child.
Therefore, here is the most important thing: No matter how you change your attitude towards money and whatever your plan to achieve financial success is, you should never lose sight of what makes you happy! Save money for whatever makes you happy because in the end, this is what money is for.
Four misconceptions
There are (at least) four major common misconceptions when it comes to the handling of money:
Money is everything
Money is insignificant
Money does not matter
Money is bad
Of course, you should avoid all these four misconceptions.
Is money really everything?
What will become of "the first million in seven years" if you start a family as a young man and you want to have more children and take care of them full time? Family comes first. Children cost money. And a cottage in the countryside is far more desirable than a valuable stock portfolio in this situation.
You have little opportunity to save greater amounts of money if you have a hobby like taking trekking tours in exotic countries or other activities that you can only take up so long as you are young.
You can decide whether you want to spend money on short term or long-term assets at any age and in every life situation. But what good is it to become the richest man in the whole cemetery? Of course, there are also people who prefer to forego a month's work and get a hundred Euros.
Money is not everything. Do not sell your life for more money in your account.
Is money really insignificant?
Can you not live a happy life if you are not filthy rich? Of course, you will never have enough money and be
debt free if you are not smart and do not invest your money wisely.
Having money means having a bit of freedom. Earning money from financial assets means having a bit of independence.
"Money is nothing, but a lot of money - that is something else." George Bernard Shaw
Even a small amount of money, a small reserve can increase one’s self-consciousness. Money can be the crucial difference between courage and despair. You can make money in time and often save time and money and thus you can buy a piece of health.
Money is not insignificant. It pays to have more money.

Does money really not matter?
Many people do not have to worry about building wealth. Money should be spent well as it comes. You can change anything you want if you have money. All the other will be whining about how little they earn.
The few Euros you have in a savings account are hardly worth mentioning. Why should you invest them? This is where the difference lies again. Do you want to give away money that you have worked hard for? Have you ever really understood the notion of compound interest?
You should always live through the day in financial terms. Spend one hour thinking about your financial situation on a certain day every month. Choose at least one way to reduce your spending or increase your income. Do this month after month, year after year.
Think this way and you will remain the idol of those who do not have money. They depend on their job or petitioners in the welfare office. You will always work for money. However, this may change and money might work for you.
Money does matter. It really matters if you take care of your finances or not.
Is money really bad?
Money does not make one happy. Maybe. But it is usually the rich that say that. Those who want to make their fellow citizens envious will not agree. Are you happier if you have no money?
Make donations if you think you have money to spare! A ridiculous amount donated to a blind mission may save a person’s life. Those who have money decide what happens to money. Those who do not have money can only watch helplessly and complain.
Money is not bad, but it is what you do with it that counts.