Whether the desired reduction of the nicotine dose (6-8 weeks after stopping smoking) should be performed as easily, is questionable. I do not recommend this as we believe that the application should be gradually flattened. When the nicotine delivery by the nicotine inhalers is between two cigarettes, the number of cigarettes smoked decreased. That is, if anything can only be achieved with very strict discipline. In addition, the risk of nicotine overdose is possible due to the additional doses of nicotine from the inhaler.
Study show that the nicotine inhaler can help to reduce the use of nicotine permanently - the first step for patients who cannot stop smoking immediately. According to a new study (published in the issue of the British Medical Journal, 5 August), a nicotine inhaler effectively and safely lead within 24 months to a permanent reduction of the nicotine pleasure. The study concluded that the restriction of smoking for people who do not suddenly stop smoking can be a first step to a complete stop.
The Swiss study on 400 adult smokers revealed that it restricted 26 percent of smokers who used a nicotine inhaler, and their tobacco consumption after four months was reduced at least 50 percent. In preparations treated with a placebo control group, only 9 percent achieved this result. After two years, 9.5 percent of inhaler users and 3 percent of the control group permanently lowered nicotine use.
"These results are significant because some patients may see the reduction in the number of cigarettes as an important first step to the final step of cessation," said principal study author Chris T. Bolliger, MD, Division of the Department of Respiratory Medicine at the University Hospital Basel. "Other studies have shown that the highest recurrence rates occurred in heavy smokers who wanted to quit abruptly. By the use of tobacco being reduced as in our study using an inhaler, you give these smokers a much better position to reach their final destination, the complete cessation of smoking."
Tobacco is the biggest avoidable risk factor for human health. Each year it costs 3.5 million lives - one every nine seconds. It is estimated that the number of deaths that will be caused by tobacco by 2020 even exceed the total number of deaths from AIDS, car accidents, murder, suicide, drugs and alcohol. Of the 1.1 billion smokers worldwide about 70 percent want to quit smoking.
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